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As part of The Scotsman series celebrating the institution

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How much do we want to keep the NHS alive

canada goose outlet boston Seventy years ago this week, the NHS was born. As part of The Scotsman series celebrating the institution, former prime minister Gordon Brown shares his memories of the service and offers a prescription for healthcare in Scotland. canada goose outlet boston

canada goose outlet new york city Each of us has a unique and lasting bond with the NHS infants helped because of the skills of midwives, relatives or close friends suffering previously inoperable or untreatable conditions now restored to good health, or parents and grandparents cared for with dignity in later life. canada goose outlet new york city

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The nurses, doctors, midwives, porters, cleaners and paramedics really are a team like no other. Is it any wonder that we canada goose outlet shop hold our National Health Service in such esteem?

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It is often forgotten that, starting in wartime, Scotland led the way to the creation of the UK wide NHS in 1948.

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canada goose outlet new york In August, 1943, the visionary wartime Scottish Secretary of State, Tom Johnston, drew up the first practical plan for the establishment of a comprehensive health service in Scotland. Without Johnston’s intervention and canada goose black friday sale effectively his veto the wartime Cabinet would have voted for an insurance based service with fees for a trip to the doctor’s surgery and means testing when people visited the hospital. Our history might have been very different. Johnston won agreement that healthcare should be financed from general taxation, and the pooling and sharing of risks and resources right canada goose outlet sale across the UK. canada goose outlet new york

When it officially began at 9am on Monday, July 5, 1948, the UK NHS had a budget of 437 million. Wind forward 70 years and very soon it will spend more than 300 times as much 150 billion. Yes, it may be a significant anniversary of the greatest of our great British institutions, but the critical issue now is quite simple. How much are we prepared to pay for a healthy NHS? How canada goose outlet in usa much do we want to keep it alive?

canada goose outlet hong kong Sixteen years ago, our Labour government announced a better way to refinance the NHS for the new century. With a 9bn a year tax rise from a 1p rise in employer and employee national insurance, we were able to employ 30,000 more doctors and 80,000 more nurses and create the biggest hospital building programme in NHS history. canada goose outlet hong kong

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canada goose outlet buffalo Average increases in health spending under the canada goose black friday Labour governments between 1997 and 2010 were 6 per cent, the largest average annual increase of any government. By contrast under the Conservatives, the NHS growth rate at around 1 per cent is lower than at any time since 1948 and the Scottish figure has come in lower than in England. canada goose outlet buffalo

Scottish NHS spending, which was 16 per cent higher than the English NHS in 2007, is now only 7 per cent higher canada goose outlet online uk despite our country’s greater needs. But the NHS at 80 years old would, sadly, be in trauma if independence should ever happen.

canada goose victoria parka outlet What has become clear from the SNP’s Growth Commission blueprint is that public spending would rise less than under Tory austerity and that even then, any new money there is would be eaten up by massive interest rate payments on what would be almost 100bn of new Scottish debt. canada goose victoria parka outlet

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canada goose outlet houston I recall ten years ago when I was Prime Minister, we held a service of commemoration at Westminster Abbey to celebrate 60 years of the NHS and the most powerful speech on that day came from one of the service’s first nurses who vividly described the bleak conditions that existed before 1948. canada goose outlet houston

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canada goose coats uk All of us owe a debt of gratitude to the staff who give us such comfort, but if we really want to help them celebrate the NHS’s goose outlet canada 80th birthday and 90th and 100th, then we require not just reforms to meet 21st century demands, but also the resources to be there for people when they need it canada goose coats uk.

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